Saturday, December 29, 2007

Charles in Charge

Of our days and our lives.
(everybody now)
Charles in Charge
Of our wrongs and our rights.

The chicks hit up another stop on the round o' weddings. This time it took us to the Woodlands to see Wes and Teri get hitched. There was one aspect of this wedding, though, that will set it apart from all other matrimonies in the future. No, we didn't get to meet Scott Baio, but we did get to hang out with one really cool guy named Charles.

Roitsch, that is.

Jess, Claire and Sarah enjoyed the Whitney wedding to the hilt because of this guy.
We laughed, cried and snorted our way through the most fun reception ever!!
He entertained us, fed us ("Ladies, dessert!"), and gladly served as our personal paparazzi man.

Thanks Charles!
Since we are "besties" now, lets do it again, k?