Sunday, September 17, 2006

Life, it's a funny thing

Well this is it. My home for the past five weeks and the next seven. I arrive here at 8:15 a.m. and don't leave until 4:30 p.m. (if I'm lucky!).

The real life has come. It is here to stay.

It stinks.

I keep thinking that maybe tomorrow when I come to school, I will suddenly have my own classroom and won't have to follow Mr. Brede (that's my cooperating teacher, you can see his back in the upper right) around all day. That just maybe, I will wake up one morning and won't be a measly student teacher anymore and will instead be a full-blown teacher.

That day has not come yet. It stinks.

I know that these twelve weeks are preparing me for my supposed career in teaching high school chemistry, but I am just ready to start. But there are seasons right? I suppose this is my season to be a litte puppy dog following around a grown man all day hoping that he can shed some insight into teaching upon my inquiring mind. I'm soaking it all in, but ready to be finished.

Which leads me to a whole new topic....


Heather Hendrick hit everything that I am thinking about all of this right on the nose.

I know that I have a passion--one thing that I desire to pour everything that I am into--but I just don't know what it is exactly. I yearn to find it. I yearn to be recognized by my passion. So what is stopping me from diving head first into my passion and throwing my entire self into it?

Because I just don't know exactly what it is.

I have lots of things that I like to do and some things that I am good at, but how in the world am I supposed to put them together?

A question that I will continue to ask the Lord to answer. I know that He will lead me to my passion. I just have to wait through this season (and maybe a few more) before that passion becomes a reality. Until then, I will cling. Cling to hope, cling to HIM. I refuse to be mediocre. I refused to be balanced. I refuse to be under-whelmed.

I will live a passion-filled life.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

A moment of silence please...

Above you will see the remains of my phone. May she rest in peace.
This phone served me well up until last night. She died in the Walmart parking lot by an accidental dropping.
I got this phone after I dropped my other one in the toilet. Remember that?! I must have abusive tendencies with my little phones.

I am now going through phone counseling, but in the meantime that means that no one can call me. Actually the full truth is that the bottom half is fully functioning, so you can call me I just won't hear you. Notice the nice blue light in the picture. And I can even call you, and you can hear what I say, but on my end its very lonely. Claire and Hay and I played fun little games with it last night.

I leave today for Italy! Yea! ---So really this whole phone thing happened at the perfect time. And my sweet friends decided they wanted to help earlier today by getting all my numbers out of my phone and put them in an excel spreadsheet so I could have them overseas. How helpful and perfect, considering the death that would take place later. Jesus even cares about my cell phone!

Well, seeing as there is a red blinking light on the working part of my phone that means someone called me. (Brookie, if its you, I am SO sorry! )

Thats it. We decided this blog was for the daily happenings. So there you go, my very mundane, but tragic experience.
Man, there are all kinda hints that I need to leave the country.
