Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Life of a Professional Assistant

I think you all should know what I now do for a living.

By "living" I mean... they pay me a little bit, but to say I'm actually LIVING off of what they pay me might be a stretch. I mean I guess I probably could make it in the real world on my own at this point...but if I have the opportunity for free rent/utilities, etc. I take that opportunity!

My title is: Assistant to the President.

That's right, I'm a personal assistant. I do all that comes with being a personal assistant.
Lots of days that means running errands - some very random, some totally normal. I shop for her... I pick things up... I drop things off... I decorate things... I buy things... I return things... I do LOTS of LAST MINUTE THINGS... I send mail... gifts... set up appointments... make reservations...I make note of her likes/dislikes... I research things... I work from one sentence instructions on many tasks... I "make things pretty"... I troubleshoot...making the "impossible" happen (Ha!)...and I tackle large semi-random projects, which brings me to my next point.

Here is an example of one of my "semi-random projects":

About three weeks ago my boss comes to my desk. She says, " Hayley, I have a brilliant idea!!!" I say, "Am I go to be excited about this idea???" She says, "Nope!"

She then preceeds to say something like... I would love to send a bag of the pink M&M's for Breast Cancer Awareness month to all of our employees.

My first thought is--- that's a fun idea. No problem. I will order M&M's and have them sent to each of our 18 offices.

Not so fast.... what she really means is that she would like each employee (roughly 400) to receive a bag of pink M&M's at their home. Yikes....

So I call all the sources I can imagine who might have the pink M&M's ---- none and I repeat none of them could help me.

So, plan B. I call every store in the area who carries normal M&M's and begin to track pink bags down.

Long Story Short.... I've been to lots and lots of Walmarts, Walgreens, Albertsons, 7-Elevens... ( let me note that I had a really fun girl named Brittany, who is in school at North Texas, helping me with this task).

I won't bore you with any more details about the fun of packaging... labeling... stuffing... taping... stamping.

M&M's are heavy and take up more room than you would think.

Now I would like to show you a picture of these adorable little M&M's.
(disclaimer: I couldn't get my actual picture of the 400+ bags to load so use your imagination)

All the M&M's have now been sent. As far as I know most of them actually made it unharmed to their destination before the end of October!

So, there ya go. That's a day( a week) in the life of a personal assistant.



D.O. said...

that's awesome!! yeah Hay! Now it's time for us to hang out again, because I've got a job now, and I can afford to do stuff like that again. Plus Lauren still has my tent, so she has to see me again. She's stuck and so are you by association. Plus Claire probably needs my help on Chemistry or something.

Anonymous said...

ha! the day claire needs help on chemistry...well, i might just die.

hay! well done. i'm impressed and amazed as always. after this job you're gonna be prepared to handle anything...and i mean anything.

Anonymous said...

Oh Marcel! She's outta control! Hay, let's talk soon, okay? Remember we live really close to each other!

And D.O., there's always room for improvement. Bring on the Chemistry help any day!